fredag, februari 08, 2008

This picture shows the natural concavity a hoof should have (and develops with physiological trimming). Most of the sole is just as far from the ground/protected as the sole of a flat hoof with a shoe on would be. This concavity gives strength, traction and allows the hoof to function as intended. What parts do touch the ground form very important/functional toe and heel calluses that shouldn't be removed when trimmed (but usually are in "traditional" trims which causes the horse to be sore or "quicked").

Man har hört talas om folk som snöat in på skor men jag har gjort det på hovar.Intresset har inte dalat på de två år som gått sen jag tvingades in i det hela. Hittade en ny sida där man belyser det mycket av hästars behov.

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