lördag, februari 23, 2008

City of Houston Police Horses Go Barefoot, part 2
Houston Police Department Mounted Unit—Barefoot Program
by Greg Sokoloski, Police Officer
City of Houston, Texas

Above, Officer Sokoloski and Shadow, a 4 yo Dutch Warmblood, at the convention center, wearing Marquis Hoof Boots.

The Houston Police Department’s Mounted Patrol Unit currently has 34 full time Police Horses, as well as 2 horses in training. Since the winter issue (18) of The Horses Hoof, we have gone from 11 barefoot horses to 21 barefoot horses. We will be adding an additional horse, now shod, to the barefoot program in August.

Om ni vill läsa mer om detta gå in på http://www.thehorseshoof.com/success_Houston1.html

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